Hany Abdelghaffar and Lobna Sameer
of respondent used the internet daily . 96.7 % of the respondent answered that they see the internet an effective tool of communication with the government and with other citizens .
When it comes to the political awareness and political participation of the surveyed participants , it was found that 94 % of the respondents agreed that they used the internet to follow political news and contributing with their opinions . Furthermore , 96 % of respondents agreed on the impact of the social network as a tool of communication between citizens . 72 % of the respondents have participated in both the referendum on the constitutional amendments in 2011 and the parliamentary elections in 2012 .
5 . Analysis and results
Validity and Reliability
The composite reliability of each construct was assessed using Cronbach ’ s alpha . A reliability coefficient of 0.70 is marked as a lowest acceptable limit for Cronbach ’ s Alfa ( Robinson et al , 1991 ). The calculated Cronbach ’ s Alpha for this research is equal to 0.862 .
Convergent validity has been used to check validity which shows that there is a significant correlation and relation among all dimension and sub factors . The correlation was high as shown in table ( 3 ), which is an evidence of a convergent validity . All the independent factors are significant at level 0.05 . Discriminant validity is assessed to measure the extent to which constructs are different . To evaluate discriminant validity , the AVE is used . All constructs have an AVE of at least 0.5 ( Fornell & Larcker , 1981 ) and all the square roots of each AVE value are higher than the off‐diagonal correlation elements .
The table 3 presents the correlations between the different factor and each other and decision‐making . As a result of the correlation , all factors are at a positive direction meaning that the decision making is affected by each factor .
Table 3 : Correlation analysis
Decision Making |
Campaigning |
Information Provision |
Deliberation |
Consultation |
Awareness Building |
Community Building |
Decision Making 1 |
Campaigning 0.580 1
Information Provision 0.396 0.422 1 Deliberation 0.245 0.343 0.526 1 Consultation 0.612 0.524 0.461 0.318 1 Awareness Building 0.657 0.649 0.547 0.463 0.706 1 Community Building 0.569 0.589 0.440 0.302 0.482 0.601 1
Since multicollinearity might exist in regression analysis and negatively affects the predictive ability , computing the variance inflation factor ( VIF ) of each variable might help to detect multicollinearity ( Myers , 1986 ). If the VIF of an explanatory variable exceeds 10 , the variable is considered to be highly collinear and it can be treated as a candidate for exclusion from the regression model ( Kleinbaum , et al ., 1988 ). Findings show that VIF range from 1.98 to 2.56 suggesting that multicollinearity is not an issue with this data set .
The multiple regression analysis has used to test the hypotheses . The R calculated through the regression analysis table ( 2 ) is equal to 0.733 , R Square 0.537 as presented in table ( 4 ). The regression test notes that there is a positive strong relationship between the independent and the dependent variables . Any change in the independent variable would affect the dependent variable in the same direction and in a certain degree .