1355 Issue 3 | Page 3

THE SPOTL IGHT NOU N: " W H E R E YOU F O C U S YOU R AT T E N T ION " 7. 1. L AU R A , BE L GI U M . Being Belgian and coming from a tiny nation insignificant to many made me actually more proud than I ever expected 7. during the weeks of the World Cup. The big United States of America had to bend its head for my national heroes, while Argentina was just a bit too strong. I am convinced a bright soccer future is ahead of us, beware for EC 2016!! 2 . M A X , G E R M A N Y. I was starting off the World Cup in Boston where I spent Module D. Watching the first game in the German Goethe Institut in Downtown Boston felt almost like home. Unfortunately, I had to stream the following game vs. Ghana..in class. And it only got a tiny bit better when I had to stream the game on my phone during the USA game while taking a tour through the MIT Media Labs and yelling as loud as I could when we scored, surrounded by mainly American students. Coming back to San Francisco and watching Germany beating Algeria and France before 8. winning in an unforgettable way against Brazil was just unreal. But the biggest moment for me during the World Cup was watching the Final with my 2 brothers, reunited again after almost a year, in Civic Center among thousands of Argentinian supporters and celebrating the trophy over an ice cold Hefeweizen. Schlaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand!!!! 3. H E LOISE , N ET H E RL A N D S . Ready for the game! 4 . J E S U S , GR E E C E /SPA I N . First time watching the world cup far away from home! Watching football games at 9am or 13:00pm and drinking beer at that time is something that I have never experienced before. It was a very nice experience to be sourrounded by people from the two nationalities that were playing each day and even better to watch games of the US team in an American bar full of locals. Unfortunately both of my teams were out of the cup in the very early stages, but I'm still a proud supporter! Viva España, Πάμε μωρή Ελλαδάρα! 9. GE RCL AU D, F R A NCE . Before this World cup, French people did not believe in their national team. After what happened in South Africa in 2010, we expected them to prove that we were wrong not to trust them, but also to change and improve the image of France at home and abroad. The team that went to Brazil was new and young, and they did an amazing job, even if the defeat against Germany in quarter final is a bit bittersweet. Anyway, we are proud of them, they showed us that when they really want it they are able to do great things. The next step for this young and talented generation is to confirm their current performances at the Euro 2016 in France. Allez les bleus! 6 . R E N A T O , B R A S I L . As a Brazilian, it’s hard to describe in a paragraph all the feelings I had during this world cup. First uncertainty, due to all the political instability and corruption that involved the event. But then it started, and everything changed. Even though we had a poor perfor- mance during the games, we did a great job hosting one of the biggest sports events on the planet! Brazil is known as the country of soccer and carnival, but there is much more. We are a country blessed with amazing places and people, a country where people are always happy, no matter what! This was an unforgettable experience! I Couldn’t be more proud of Brazil! #tevecopa #copadascopas 7. M A R I A N A , B R A S I L . Hosting the World Cup and having all that pressure around our country and our team was something hard to balance. However, the feeling of seeing Brazil playing in Brazil was just a dream. Every time the hymn started to play in the stadium i just felt so proud of my country. Even if we did not win the World Cup, I am sure that we all had an amazing time cheering and supporting our country to go further. 8 . SOF I A , P ORT UGA L . 9 . C A M I L O VA L E R A , C O LOMBIA. AU G U S T 2 0 1 4 ※ IS SU E NO. 3 ※ 1 3 5 5 02