1355 Issue 2 | Page 7

success story. With the “HAT-erator” you can create your own sticker out of 260,000 possibilities. No joke, two.hundred.sixty.thousand…This software is unique worldwide! And honestly, readers, do not try the HAT-erator the night before an exam. That all-nighter will not be spent studying... Future wise, Jochen is very careful about the road the company might travel. With a capacity to produce 20,000 stickers a week, conquering the US and then the world does not sound like the worst idea to him. “The US market does not know about The HATs yet. Even though we have some orders from New York and so on, we haven’t sold a lot of stickers. In Germany it worked out very well and the country is not that addicted to Apple. Therefore, we will start off with the same approach as in Germany, contacting magazines and bloggers, now directly.” "The magazines we contacted directly, such as Glamour, clearly liked the idea and posted about us for free. This is the approach we will apply to the US markets in the next weeks. One American magazine reporting on us can be enough, the wave is initiated. That is unpredictable of course. Maybe someone will buy the company, I don’t know! But since we do not hold any risk, we do not depend on the company. Let’s just wait and see what happens! TO ALL HULTIANS THE HATS OFFERS A DISCOUNT OF 20%! For Lona, quality is the one thing that resonates most.  She loves designer brands not for the label or the name they carry but for the quality they offer in terms of the fit, fabric and stitching. That’s why she believes that there is a way to revolutionize the market and make sustainable fashion consumption possible, by buying quality dresses and lending them out to be enjoyed multiple times by fashionistas in your city. Lona created Style Lend to solve a problem she faced every time she got invited to a birthday party, engagement party, wedding, gala or company party, and needed a nice dress. Since she was also traveling all the time she did not wanted to carry expensive clothes, incurring the risk that a special event would come up during her travels. To her, the perfect solution was simple: borrowing clothes from another girl’s closet, and at the same time sharing her culture. USE THE CODE "hult20" AT THE CHECK-OUT UNTIL THE END OF APRIL. A BOU T T HE BR A N D: GO TO HT TP:// W W W.THE- HATS.COM. Style Lend is meant to be a win-win transaction: the dress owner gets to monetize the “investment pieces” in her wardrobe and show off her taste and style to the Style Lend community, while the borrower gets to sport a stylish, high quality dress or designer purse at a fraction of the price it would take to own it. Hult alumni insider: Style Lend BY GR A XI RENDON Successful HULT Alumna Lona Duncan launches her tech fashion company, driving a new trend in fashion and innovation “High Fashion to high tech”. Style Lend is the name of “the new Airbnb for women’s closets”. It is a peerto-peer marketplace where women can list and rent items for a fraction of their original retail cost. Most women can relate to having at least a couple of items in their closets that cost a lot of money, but get very little wear: that one special occasion dress or designer handbag. “Get designer dresses for a week at an affordable price” A BOU T T HE FOUN DER: If you asked Lona where she is from, she would probably answer "The World!" Born in Albania, Lona has spent the majority of her life living, working or studying in the US, Paris, London, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paolo and traveling to over 60 countries. She attended George Washington University, double majoring in International Business and Marketing.  Lona entered the fashion industry as a model at age 16, and later became a marketer.  During her MBA at Hult she started the first company in fashion and technology, which after 3 years of hard work and iterations led to Style Lend. The dresses in Style Lend are high end and quality dresses that have an average retail value from 150 to 1,000 USD and above, while the rental price is usually between 10 and 20 percent of the retail price, depending on the owner’s criteria. Through the platform, her clients are able to get a good quality dress for a low price, and solve a problem every woman can identify with. T HE BIG PIC T URE: Nowadays, women want to keep up with trends and experiment with different looks and styles, but many of them cannot justify investing a lot of money on items that they will wear only a couple of times. Style Lend’s mains goal is to counterpart this shift by encouraging women to buy fewer and better things. Currently Style Lend is only in San Francisco, but it plans to roll out in New York soon. Style Lend is leading a new trend in fashion and is introducing a new way of building communities, and sharing fashion trends, taste and experience through styles. Let’s support this amazing concept and get involved in their community! Do you have an amazing dress just stored in your closet? What if you could earn money from it? Or do you have a special event, for which you don’t know what to wear? Go to the Style Lend website and find the perfect dress for you, and rent it out for that special event. STYLE LEND IS OFFERING A 20% OFF TO ALL HULT GIRLS. GO TO W W W.ST YLELEND.COM A P R I L 16 , 2 0 1 4 ※ IS SU E NO. 2 ※ 1 3 5 5 06