125thAnniversary Souvenir Magazine-1852-1977 1977 | Page 3


We are grateful to the following : Mr Chai Chong Yii , Senior Minister of State ( Education ) His Grace Monseigneur Gregory Yong , Archbishop of Singapore Reverend Brother Visitor Lawrence Reverend Brother Joseph Kiely , Principal of St Joseph ' s Institution Reverend Brother Dennis Watt , Principal of St Joseph ' s Institution from August 1977
Mr . John Tan Peng Chieu of the Ministry of Education .
All our donors and well wishers All our advertisers Heng Sock Cheng and Staff of Alpha Printers and Stationers ( Pte ) Ltd for the layouts of the magazine Mrs . Lily Tan of the National Archives and Records Centre .
All others who have in one way or another contributed to the success of the maqazine .