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the early stages , but it ’ s hard enough to get breakfast down , and you can ’ t even think of popping that dreaded morning pill too !
Which is why I said smear .
As in simply smear Prenateven as directed , and voilà , you ’ re done with your care routine for the day ! No more can ’ t-swallow-myvitamins guilt . Just a quality topical cream that ’ s got Mom and Baby fully covered . Your body absorbs all the goodness , and you don ’ t have to worry about that gag reflex !
Plus , topical absorption is often more effective because it skips the digestive system , ensuring your body gets the complete nutrient package without losing potency along the way .
Another crucial topic to think about from the early stages is progesterone .
Progeleven , a powerhouse progesterone cream that supports your baby ’ s brain development among its many other benefits , directly impacts and boosts your little one ’ s IQ .
Based on various studies conducted by The Royal Society of Medicine , Dr . Katherina Dalton has reported that babies of mothers who received natural Progesterone during the early stages have that extra smart advantage before they even take their first breath !
With Progeleven , you ’ re nurturing your baby ’ s cognitive growth in a naturally simple , yet most powerful way possible .
Aside from helping your baby ’ s brain
development , Progeleven can also be your ally in emotional balance . It has the potential to help prevent postpartum depression ( PPD ), allowing you to step into motherhood feeling supported and grounded . How ?
During the early stages , progesterone production gradually increases and keeps climbing to astronomical levels . At birth , there is an abrupt drop , nearing zero .
There is an almost complete absence of progesterone from the crucial 24-hour period following the birth , lasting up to three months postpartum .
In fact , some women literally feel this shift in their bodies and describe it as , “ feeling a deep drop , almost like it completely sucked out my energy .”
This absence is the direct cause of PPD . By fortifying yourself with Progeleven , you counteract this drop , and with it the untold suffering of PPD .
You ’ re not just caring for your baby ; you ’ re caring for yourself , too . And that ’ s priceless .
Although Eleven Vitality is revolutionary to the Heimish market , topical vitamin creams have been around and successfully used for decades .
Expand your horizon . Explore your options . Optimize your body ’ s vitamin absorption with
Eleven Vitality ’ s exclusive vitamin creams .
Smearing a little love each day is the best selfcare ritual to nurture your well-being and your baby ’ s development as you travel on this special journey .
We ’ re here to guide you with clarity and care .

844 . VITAL11 ( 848.2511 ) care @ elevenvitality . com // www . elevenvitality . com

December 4 , 2024 SHOPPERS ROUTE 29