A massive deposit Dr Chris van Tulleken OFF THE TELLY is here to discuss the Lloyds Bank Coprolite . It ’ s the largest specimen of fossilised human poo ever found , and it just happens to have belonged to a ( very uncomfortable ) Viking .
Valhalla awaits ! Can you Survive to 25 in the Great Heathen Army ? Check out this month ’ s Brainfeeders to find out .
Raiding the solar system We all know the intergalactic rule of treasure hunting – finders keepers , losers weepers ! It certainly applied as far as the Vikings were concerned , but what about treasure hunting in space ? Astra ’ s investigating the ethics of asteroid mining , here .
Hard core Rescue goddess Iduna from the giant ’ s tower , or the gods get it !
Happy Jul ! Before the Vikings began celebrating Christmas , they celebrated a different midwinter festival called Jul . Did it look quite a lot like Christmas ? Sure ... if you ignore the sacred pig promises and blood sacrifices . ( What did you say ?) Nothing !
Bog trotting Harvey ’ s investigating bog bodies this month , and making some horribly convincing pickled toes to demonstrate how peat preserves dead things using the process of osmosis . He ’ s even shared the recipe with us ! You ’ re welcome .
Odin vs Santa : pick your fighter ! Who ’ d win in a fight ? Odin , or Santa ? Hang on , why are they even fighting , when they have so much in common ? Both ancient , both gnarled and bearded , both capable of magical surprises ( although Odin ’ s surprises do tend to be a bit stabbier ). Oh , why can ’ t we all just get along ?
Illustration : Kevin Ward . Many thanks to Dr Cassidy Croci our Viking expert for all her help with this issue . and Ian !
Taskmaster alert Little Alex Horne has done a Bad Thing ( I know , totally out of character . Maybe he forgot to have his nap ). Can you guess what Bad Thing Little Alex Horne has done ? Figure it out , here .
Ash Lad and the Mountain Troll Ash Lad ’ s having an absolute ’ mare . His home is burning down . It might be slightly his fault . And , as a result , his dad has chucked him into the forest armed with nothing but a red-hot poker to defend himself . Will Ash Lad prove himself worthy and bring home the bacon ? Find out in Annalie Seaman ’ s story based on traditional Nordic folktales .