12-24-VIKINGS-NEW | Page 29

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Puzzle 3
The runes of Alfheimir The gods are all getting a little bit crumbly and forgetful now , as they age at an exponential rate towards impending DOOM ( relatable , ed ). They ’ ve forgotten how to read the runes carved on this remarkable runestone . Can you translate please ?
Puzzle 4
Odin ’ s riddle Odin ’ s got one of his LEGENDARY riddles for you . The answer will give you something you are looking for .
What am I ? A small green fruit Sweet when freshest Mushy with chips A nurse when frozen A pulse with no heartbeat
Puzzle 5
Loki ’ s ludicrousness That Loki ’ s a joker , isn ’ t he ! Not only did he SET THIS WHOLE MADNESS UP by arguing with the giant disguised as an eagle ( long story ), now he ’ s getting in on the shenanigans by writing his own puzzles . The cheek ! Can you solve it to reveal another letter ?
1 What you do when you ’ re not awake ( 5 )
2 The opposite of day ( 5 )
4 Old Norse apocalypse ( 8 )
5 A big fight between armed warriors ( 6 )
7 Bad behaviour for playful reasons ( 8 )
9 Monstrous wolf destined to kill Odin during the events of Ragnarok ( 6 )
10 To pull apart forcefully ( 4 )
3 Odin ’ s eight-legged horse ( 8 )
6 A tangled mass or joining of threads ( 4 )
8 Parasitic plant we kiss under at Christmas ( 9 )
10 Viking god of Thunder and
Thursdays ( 4 )
11 A dish best served cold ( 7 )
12 To deceive or outwit ( 5 )
Words : Freya Hardy . Illustration : Ed J . Brown
Can you save Iduna and the residents of Asgard from the cruel and icy grip of fate ? Are you the smartest cookie in Midgard , or more of a slimy Skreið ? Go to our website : www . aquila . co . uk / aquilanauts / solutions and type in your answer to find out . Need a clue ? You ’ ll find some on the website too . unscramble the magic word to release Iduna here :

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