12-24-VIKINGS-NEW | Page 22



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What is the aurora borealis also known as ? A B C
Christmas lights Northern Lights Sky glitter
Which of these are often hunted by Arctic fox ?
A Lemmings
B Lemons
C Gibbons
What is the name of Odin ’ s horse ?
A Excalibur
B Thunderbolt
C Sleipnir
What animals are most closely associated with Odin ? A
The two ravens : Thought and Memory The two hounds : Tom and Jerry The two bunnies : Booplesnuff and Agent Cuddlewump
What does a carbon sink do ?
A Catches the water from a carbon tap
B Locks away carbon-rich plant matter to cut the amount of carbon dioxide in the air
C Locks away oxygen to save for later
True or false ? Vikings were considered adults from around the age of 12 .
Which of these is not a Viking word ?
A Egg
B Thrift
C Skibidi
How did Vikings calculate their age ?
A By counting grey hairs
B By counting rings like a tree
C By counting how many winters they ’ d survived
True or false ? The Vikings believed that medicine angered the gods , so they preferred to use runes instead .
When was the Outer Space Treaty first introduced by the United Nations ?
A 1989
B 1867
C 1967
It ’ s an exciting day for Sigrid the shield maiden , she ’ s getting a brand new shield . As an accomplished craftsperson , it ’ s your job to design it for her . It should be colourful and covered with patterns . The flashier , the better !



Change FARM to WARS in two or fewer moves by changing one letter at a time . Each word must be a proper word , so FARM to FORM is OK but not FARM to FZRM . Then try WOLF to GODS .


1 Forged by dwarves for a thunder god ’ s fist . A marvellous weapon I ‘ ve never missed .
2 Shapeshifting god of pranks and tricks .
F A R M _ _ _ _ W A R S
I don ’ t mean to be cruel , I do it for kicks .
W O L F _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G O D S
What is that wonder I saw outside before the Doors of Day ? Eight feet it has and four eyes
W I N D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B O A T
3 Here ’ s a riddle from Odin himself !
This one comes from an Icelandic saga . In the story , Odin challenges a king to solve his riddles . If Odin wins , his friend Gestumblindi will be saved from execution . If the king solves the riddles , then it ’ s goodnight FOREVER !
and bears knees above its belly King Heidrek Guess my riddle .