10th Annual University Research Conference | Page 26

Joanne Barnett ( In ) The Missing Voice : Perceptions of K-12 Virtual School Teachers of the Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Their Instructional Practices during the Pandemic Numerous studies have investigated how teachers from traditional K-12 public schools , who were thrusted into emergency remote learning with limited experience in online learning , perceived the effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on their instructional practice . However , absent from the research are the voices of teachers in full time K-12 virtual schools with experience in online learning . This presentation will present the findings of a phenomenological mixed-methods study that seeks to fulfill the void in the research and identify how teachers in full-time virtual schools perceive the effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on their instructional practices .
Otis Clarke ( V ) The Impact of COVID-19 on Navajo Nation High School Students The Navajo Nation has been historically underserved due to prevalence of education inequity and limited telecommunications and electrical infrastructure . These vulnerabilities of Navajo Nation were further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic . This qualitative study examined the academic outcomes of 40 students attending one public high school in Navajo Nation . Flawed technological training and inadequate network coverage affected student learning . Remote learning was primarily asynchronous through distribution of paper packets . Learning loss amounted to 72 instructional days instead of 180 days ( about 6 months ) per school year . COVID-19 adversely affected students ’ academic progress and the urgent need for multi-company investment in technology .