10th Annual University Research Conference | Page 22

Zoe Brown and Jade Lacroix ( In ) The Impact of Social Media on Male and Female Body Image We examine the correlation between frequency of use and viewing content on social media and body image . Through self-report survey , participants will answer questions regarding how much time they spend on apps , such as Instagram and TikTok , and about whether they have compared themselves to others on social media . We anticipate finding that certain content will be associated with poorer body image – such as fitness and body focused content . Whereas non-body relevant content will not be . We also anticipate finding that there will be a relationship between frequency of use and body image .
Gianna Harvest and Elisabeth Kerper ( In ) The Correlation Between Childhood Trauma and Chronic Pain The roots of certain physical and mental illnesses in adulthood are not always apparent and can be linked to experiences in childhood . For this reason , it is important to screen for a history of childhood trauma . This research study determines the relationship between childhood trauma and chronic pain . More specifically , if individuals with more traumatic events in childhood have higher instances of chronic pain later in life . We hypothesis that a high score on the Early Trauma Inventory Self Report Short Form will correlate with various chronic pain symptoms .
Lauryn Hoy and Caroline Cleary ( In ) Presentation Title : The Relationship Between Exercise and Seasonal Depressive Symptoms This study investigates the effect of physical activity levels on seasonal depressive symptoms while examining the effects of geographic location in which the participant lives . It is estimated that there will be no more than 200 participants in this study . The target population is college-aged students and adults over the age of 18 ; therefore , the participants will be recruited in a classroom setting and through social media . The study will be a selfreport survey using modified survey tools , the Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire , and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire .