10th Annual University Research Conference | Page 15

Benjamin Galing ( In ) Understanding the Civilian Crime Scene Investigator ( CSI ) The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the personal and professional variables that positively and negatively influence the civilian crime scene investigator , in the performance of their duties . The reason for this presentation is to further explore and understand this unique type of criminal justice professional that has been otherwise minimally focused on , especially in terms of the United States .
Michael McCants , Jr . ( P ) What is The Public ’ s Perception of Psychoactive Drugs and their Role in Criminality The purpose of this study is to understand whether the public believes there is a connection between psychoactive substances ( PAS ) and crime commission . Participants were asked to read a series of vignettes and determine whether the person committed a crime because of PAS or not .
Joseph O ’ Mara ( P ) Understanding Public Opinion on White-Collar Crime and Punishments In the field of criminology , crime can be divided into different categories such as property crimes , violent crimes , drug crimes , and cybercrimes . Of these different categories , there has been limited research that has been conducted about white-collar crime . According to Cliff & Desilets ( 2014 ), white-collar crime was a term created by Edwin Sutherland to describe criminal offenses that are committed by individuals or groups who are of a high socioeconomic status . They are nonviolent and often economically driven . The purpose of this research is to expand the general knowledge and understanding of public opinion on white-collar crime .
Emily Quinn ( P ) The Effect of Mental Health on Animal Abuse and Welfare The patterns behind animal neglect and abuse suggest that the prevalence of mental illness could potentially correlate to the abuse of animals . An online survey has been created to ask questions pertaining to mental health background and the care of pets . Survey participants have anonymously answered about their care as pet owners and their issues surrounding mental health . This research was done to try to identify a correlation between mental health and animal abuse or neglect . This presentation will assess the data and pinpoint the quality of animal care and compare it to the prevalence of abuse or mental illness .