We ’ ve set zeroemissions as a goal that we ’ re trying to get towards . At this time , we have 36 zero-emission forklifts and a zero-emission locomotive . … We go above and beyond what ’ s required . That ’ s why we were the second port in the state to get the Green Marine certificate . years , talked with every port , and decided that Stockton was best suited , had the best rail connectivity , and the best will to do the deal . As I said , Stockton is a business-minded port .
How many people are employed at the port , and what ’ s your annual budget ? Staff right now is 112 people ; it varies by a couple of people now and then . The budget is right around $ 54 million , and our capital-expenditures projects are between $ 20 million to $ 25 million a year . The total number of jobs the port provides in the area , it ’ s just over 10,000 .
And who are those 10,000 workers ? Warehouse staff , stevedores , truck drivers , anyone who is dealing with logistics or cargo movements .
How would you describe the port ’ s economic impact on the region ? I mentioned the fertilizer that grows the food — that ’ s a significant impact . The annual personal income we estimate to be right around $ 630 million . The annual economic value of our activity is in excess of $ 1.5 billion per year . We generate state and local taxes of $ 78 million per year . … A lot of port authorities take taxes ; we don ’ t take any revenue from the county or the city or the state . We generate state and local taxes .
Can you say where the port is headed in the next decade ? We need to improve our infrastructure so we can grow . I would like to become a net export facility . I think that ’ s important . I think we need to continue on the environmental path that we ’ re on . Coming in as an outsider , it ’ s amazing all the ( environmental ) efforts that we ’ re making . People don ’ t know about this . They think the port ’ s a polluter . Unfortunately , that ’ s a
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