10:10 for Children — Theme 1 | Page 32

01 — Finding Happiness


1 min
Section Aim
To end the session by saying goodbye , thanking the children for participating , and reminding them to try what they learnt . You can also use it to remind them who they can
talk to if they are unhappy .
Remind the group that if they need to talk to anyone about the issues raised today , or life in general , to do so . This is especially important if they are feeling stressed , overwhelmed , anxious , or struggling with life at the moment . Remind them of who they can talk to ( if you are in school make yourself aware of any sources of help that the school already offer and check who the school are happy for you to signpost to ). Tell them you will see them next time , thank them for participating . Remind them to practice what they have learnt and say goodbye .
Show on screen — slide no . 35