101 Homes completed - Amoria Bond & Project Peru - Summary Amoria Bond Project Peru Summary 2017 | Page 12
Amoria Bond Charitable Trust
Sangamesh Vadagave
Rob Rainsford
Stephen Penned
Ken Ind
Greg Vickers thanks:
Bridget Vickers
Charles Vickers
Tim Vickers
Aidan Vickers
Veronica Tcherevkoff
Michel Tcherevkoff Marcela Gamera
Joe Hingston
Lisa Lord
Sasha, Dylan & Oliver Daw
Alex McCulloch
Ruth McCulloch
Anrea Azadehdel
Mike Hayward
Gareth Hemes
Neill Simpson
Ant Arnold
Heidi & Scott Fulton
Capstone Financial
Victoria Goodfellow
Thomas Forrest
Jerry Frempong Rizwana Nisa
Marie Carter
Christopher Martin-Evans
Alison Cartner
Nina Johnson
Katie Thomas
Nina Stenning
Michelle Giddings
Chelsie White
Sonia De La Fuente
Janet & Alan Baldwin
Ingelise Giles
Graeme & Cynthia Crump
Peter & Martina Daw
Mitali Mookerjee
Chris Hullin
Annie De Silva, Anya & all
the Prana Lounge Team
Theo & Olivia Van Dort
Michael Treacy
Rebecca Lennox
Paul & Sue Calthrop
Simon Coulson
Geraldine McMahon
Gavin Kendrick & Yasmin
Keith Walton & Tanny
Stephen Conway & Family
Rich Fallon
Frank Irish Pat & Denise McCarthy
Alan Shad, Spring
Chris Harrison-Kerr
Nicole & David Hewitt
Mark Gauder (Mark Linton
Elizabeth Treacy
Sandra Spencer
Pa Mulqueen
Patrick Tilley
Martina Helin
Kate & Stuart
Daniel Daw thanks:
Sharon Storey
Jane Wrin
Doug Powrie
Svenja Brandenburg
Carmen Harding
James Hanson
Andreas Gruber
Martyn & Sue Lloyd
John Kingsbury
Joanna Crump
Jay Lale
Ben Stockton
Sarah Coogan
Clare Marsh
Melanie Haisley
Ben Brophy thanks:
Suzy & Tony Brophy
Martin & Alexis Robson
Daniel & Natasha Daw
Gareth & Marie Lloyd
Nick & Claire Barrow
All the Amoria Bond
Charitable Trust Volunteer &
Support Team - past,
present & future
Rosa, Michel, Katharina
Schmidt & Las Laderas team
Carole & David Project Peru
Karina, Josue & all at the
children’s refuge