100 M Lunas for Change Dec 2013 | Page 27

Luna Art recently had a chance to chat with founder Feli Renwick-Risbrooke about her amazing Open Up! family: Who is Feli? Tell us about the woman behind the scenes? I’m FREE spirited, yet stubborn. I love LOVE! I’m VERY emotional, and passionate! I try to share a happy aura and go into seclusion when I’m down! Playful, yet Professional when it comes down to business! I enjoy dessssserts and loathe anything bitter! EXTREMELY Sexual, but not crude, as I try to use tact in expressing my sexuality in a comical way! What inspired you to start an Open Up! series in Trinidad and Tobago? I am truly BLESSED! God has me spoiled and I’m VERY grateful! Open Up! is through His will as it aims to express the true meaning of LOVE.... GIVING! Just sharing my initiative with Cayce Chandleur of Veni Mange when I was merely there supporting Locally established artistes, resulted in the gift of that restaurant as the first Open Up! forum. Subsequently a supporter Timothy Teemal shared the initiative with the CEO of Digicel Imax, and there the blessing of the second venue was bestowed. Through being exposed to Open Mics in the past like Songshine, Open and Speak Easy, to name a few, I became aware of the talent we are all gifted with and found it necessary for us to ALL have a place to share that talent! Does your health impose any limitations on you? My health issues, although potentially fatal, cannot stop my determination! I am definitely limited to the extent to which I may desire to push myself... to the fullest and beyond. But I do have to be cognizant of the fact that it is better to do the little that I can than to overdo and not survive to do anymore! I TRY, so when I’m down I rest and when I’m up I get moving again to Open Up! Why don’t