100 M Lunas for Change Dec 2013 | Page 17

http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=q4IcbtEVTjg&feature=youtu.be Project Vena Project Vena is all about the environment! My team includes myself, Vena, my 11 year-old brother Vic & our family. Our mission is to save the planet through education, healthy living, & the reduction of our carbon footprint. Follow us on our journey! By sustaining the Earth and all of her resources, we sustain humanity. The Earth does so much more than just revolve around the sun. She shelters us, feeds us, and provides for us. We need to take care of each other! We can start by making small changes in our lifestyle. Simple things like recycling, eating raw, and modelling healthy behaviour for the next generation can mean a lot to the Earth. So start today!” Project Vena founder, Toriana Vena, is just thirteen years old. But she is already leading the way for change. Earlier in 2013, she had her first poetry reading with the Open Up! family at Digicel IMAX Theatre in Port of Spain. In November, she was invited to host an online art challenge for the international 30 Day Artist Challenge (30dac). A Tree for Vena Medium: Recycled Newspaper Sculpture and Photography Meadow Monioz What started as a young child’s ideas kept in a small notepad is now growing. Kudos to the Project Vena team for inspiring us all to do our part for change and to live our dreams! (*You can find Project Vena, Open Up! and the 30dac on facebook.) n