100 BARS MAGAZINE 004 Dec/Jan 2013-2014 | Page 111

phone Mr. Yell A lot. So control your level Paps. Impeccable aim with a pistol- hit every single freckle shot (Danny has freckles).” Ahdi Boom Opening Hook Boom brought a host of quality bars to start the round and like Angry Fan alluded to, this is easily one of his best performances due to his ability to display versatility. For instance, his ability to convert Raiden to Raid in showed intricate word play even though that punch was middleweight. However the Toy Story scheme was top tier and definitely deserves a mention. He also had a handful of money ball barz and displayed sharp lyricism, something that Boom is no stranger too. “Rich Dollaz is my next victim and barz is all you get, I’m like LiL Snupe, you go die before I get Rich.” Ah Di Money Ball Bar The question becomes how did Danny Myers respond? I can assure you that he didn’t leave fans with an inch of disappointment. Danny Myers’ strength lies not only in his ability to consistently remain bar heavy with minimal filler in rounds, but it is also his ability to deliver heavy weight bars that are easy to digest. “He’ll get some fast food on the late night, that’s when we plot his doom, you’ll need to be a street fighter if I catch you at Sonic Boom.” Danny Myers’ Stiff Jab This is not to say that Danny can’t scheme, or use wordplay. For instance his Morgan Freeman/ Seven bars was a quick scheme and his “punch line” wordplay demonstration was excellent. However, it is to say that Danny breaks down most of his opponents by writing clever setups and punches. You might call it old school but if breaks down new school opponents, what does it matter? “The gang life will have them viewing your body in private, bloods will shoot you overseas, like Somalian pirates.” Danny Myers’ Money Ball Bar Now, let us cut the butter with a hot knife. You are not going to make great progress approaching this battle from the perspective of who had better barz. A more efficient angle is who had more bars? Again, who had more frequent & creative bars? Verdict After studying this battle, it’s clear to me that both emcees had top tier barz throughout the bout but Danny’s style allowed him to disperse more barz. They both were equally creative. Boom’s style in this bout incorporated stellar penmanship and some worthy schemes but those same schemes limited the number of bars he could disperse. If you thought the match was close before Danny’s punch line wordplay demonstration started, I’m counting at least 6 bars at the top of that demonstration and there were more by the time his round ended. Boom loses this match not due to quality, but quantity- Danny out barred him. 102