Charron: I’m very strategic with my match ups at this point in my career. Clips is a beast, I don’t think that stylistically we would make a classic though. I want Dizaster or Pat Stay. 100 Bars: Are you going to start pocket checking people during your matches now since Daylyt proclaimed you a Canadian Krip? Charron: Haha! Pocket checking is officially dead. Daylyt is one of the funniest people I know, he might get me killed someday though... 100 Bars: You and a few others took shots at smack/URL and Summer madness 3, What is it about URL that brought up your comments? Charron: I don’t like the fact that they refuse to let Canadians on the main stage. I am top 5 in Canada, going on proving grounds is like spitting in Organik’s face. I want to get on NOME to represent my country. I understand the formula it takes to succeed in their environment. 100 Bars: This is probably the most aggressive we’ve seen you, what had you charged up? Charron: I just adapt to my surroundings. It was my first Smack opponent, I can’t treat DNA the same way I would a Blind Australian. I’m also upset at the staff for denying me of a title shot for so long. I love KOTD but c’mon, enough is enough! 100 Bars: You’ve battled on KOTD, FLIP TOP Dont Flop, Grind Time , Now and 1Outs all Top leagues in there countries, do you ave any other major leagues you want to battle in ? Charron: I would like to body someone on Smack.
100 Bars: Out of all the countries you’ve battled in, which would you say has the toughest crowd ? Charron: Don’t Flop has the best crowd, not sure about toughest ?Y????L?\???]?]H\??YH?][?H[??\??\??[???Z[???X?????H[??[???\????H?\?Y\??[???[?]H]?[??H??X?\???[???Y?^H?H[???[?^HY\??[??Y?H?\???Z[???YH?]L?[]?H??Y[??^Z[?????]??H]\?\?[?[??[??H?[?????YZ?HH]X[?]?\??]H?Y\??L?\???]?[?H?Y[\?H[??[\?[?[[Y[????]H?\??\???????Y[??KH?X]\???Y\??[?XZ?HHYY[??H?\???[???L?\???]\??Y[?[?\??X]\?X???\\?Y[????\??[??H[?H]?H?Y[??][????\?????Z[??]?]H?[?YX[?]?X?[YHH??K???[\[??L?\???]\?H??YH[???[?H??[Z?H??YH[\??H??[??H[??]H?\??\????H??[?\???X][??][?HZ?H??[???Q??[?H?\?????\?[??\?[???]\?X??[?^H?\[??H?[??[?H?\?[?[???]?Y[???[??K???L?\??[?H?^?H?[???Y\???\????H?]YH?[??^H?[YYX[?^?]???Z[?][??H?]?[??]\?H?[?\??X?YYH[???\???Y?X\?[??ZY8?'???H?]?][?]X?H?Y[??\?H[?H?\Y]?[??^K??'HH?[?[??]^?[??\?Y\??\?\??\?Y???L?\????[[?H]?\??]HH?[X[O??\????????[????Z[?]?\?][?????K?L?\??[?H[???]Y?]X?]\?X????&\??\?]H[?[???X?[YHH?\??[?Y?X]Y?[?YX[??[\[??\?][?\??\??[YH?HXZ???]?????\????Y\?]?\???HY?\?H?X?[YHH
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