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Companies should do two things to harness the power of analytics in their marketing functions . First , rather than create data and then decide what to do with it , firms should decide what to do first , and then which data they need to do it . This means better integrating marketing and IT , and developing systems around the information needs of the senior management team instead of creating a culture of “ capture data and pray .”
Second , businesses should develop an integrated 360- degree picture of their customers , which takes into account every consumer action from the time the alarm clock goes off in the morning until they retire for the night . Every possible point of interaction , for both communication and purchase , should be documented . Only then , using analytics , can businesses fully comprehend their clients and create personalized experiences that please them . According to the CMO Survey , organizations ’ performance on this type of integration has not improved in the last five years , making it difficult for businesses to answer the most crucial questions about their customers .
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