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Wednesday Luke 10 v 25 – 37 2 Corinthians 9 v 6 – 15 The second major effect that the gospel of grace has on a person is that it creates spontaneous generosity. The priest and the Levite did not stop despite many biblical injunctions to help a countryman. But no one expects the Samaritan to give mercy. One of the reasons that Jesus puts a Samaritan in the story is that he, by virtue of his race and history, has no obligations at all to stop and give aid. No law, no social convention, no religious prescription dictates that he render service. Yet he stops. Why? Luke 10 v 33 tells us he was moved by his compassion. What a clear message! As Edmund Clowney has put it, “God requires the love that cannot be required.” Mercy is commanded, but it must not be the response to a command, it is an overflowing generosity as a response to the mercy of God which we received. Common sense tells us that, if human beings are to live together on the planet, there should be a constant sharing of resources.But this approach is very limited in its motivating power. Ultimately it produces guilt.It says, “How selfish you are to eat steak and drive two cars when the rest of the world is starving!” This creates great emotional conflicts in the hearts of Christians who hear such arguing. We feel guilty, but all sorts of defence mechanisms are engaged. “Can I help it I was born in this country? How will it really help anyone if I stop driving two cars? Don’t I have a right to enjoy the fruits of my labour?” Soon, with an anxious weariness, we turn away from books or speakers who simply make us feel guilty about the needy. The Bible does not use the guilt-producing motivation, yet it powerfully argues for the ministry of mercy. In 2 Corinthians 8 v 2 – 3, Paul tells us that the MacedonianChristians gave generously to the Jerusalem famine victims. The Macedonians were not of a higher social class than theneedy in Jerusalem. They apparently were going through terrible trials of their own.What, then, was the dynamic that moved them to give? “Their overflowing joy…” (verse 2) and “they gave themselves first to the Lord” (verse 5). It was the Macedonians’ response to