1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Witness - An alternate City | Page 3
Last week, we saw that our community is to be a “city on a hill” (Matthew 5 v 14).
The world must see in our community what life can be in all its beauty under the
kingship of Jesus Christ.
We also saw that it is important to have gospel-speaking, neighbourhood-loving,
community-transformed congregations everywhere. Only the gospel enables us to
build an alternate city together.
In the book “A Centennial Reader”, Abraham Kuyper writes:
“…there is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over
whichChrist, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: ‘Mine!’”
Christ is sovereign over every area of life. No part of our lives should be sealed off
from him. Use this week’s devotionals to think about how Christ’s sovereignty
affects the way we relate to our work.
This week’s theme is the GOSPEL AND OUR WORK.