1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian When will you show you care? | Page 2

Hi Everyone We are drawing to an end in our series on “The True Fast” as we read it in Isaiah 58. The prophet has been clear on telling us the things that do not impress God, and has been equally as clear on the things that do. So far we have looked at three aspects of the things that do please God, namely, 1. When we refrain from malicious and idle talk 2. Honour the Sabbath day 3. Feed the hungry Today I would like to refer to verses 6 – 9 where the prophet speaks of CLOTHING THE NAKED. I hope that as we continue in our journey through this amazing passage that this practical theology will become an outworking of our Christian standing and will lead us to being the light in this dark world that verse 8 and verse 10 speak of. God bless you as we journey through this together Trevor and Helene