1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian The Sabbath | Page 9
Luke 4:16
Luke 6:9
Luke 13:10-16
So what activities are we to engage in on the Sabbath that are acceptable and pleasing to
God? One of the safest courses to adopt with questions like this is to follow the example
of Jesus. When we examine the passages from Luke’s Gospel listed above we find the
following principles emerging:
1. It was Jesus’ habit to go to the synagogue on the Sabbath day. He didn’t need to be
there and I know that there was not a Rabbi around who was going to teach Him
anything about God’s Word. I also know that He was not always welcome there and
that He was being continually watched to see if He would do something wrong. The
only reasons I can think of that caused Him to persist are His desire to please His
Father (a fact He repeatedly stated as the purpose of all he did), and to set an
example for His followers. We go to church not for what we can get out of it but
because it pleases of Father and we want to be an example to others.
2. Jesus was aware of the needs of others around Him. Jesus went to church to
participate and to serve others in their need. He prayed for those who needed
prayer, encouraged the discouraged and generally showed compassion to all
around Him. This was why people lov