1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian The Colours of Grace - Week 2 | Page 6
I believe it safe to surmise, according to the passage above, that we suffer so that we
can bring meaningful comfort to others. Verse 4, in our reading today, says, “We
can comfort those in any trouble, with the comfort we ourselves have received.” At this
point I am reminded of the difference between sympathy and empathy. Sympathy
looks at someone in pain and says, “I am sorry…that must hurt”. Empathy on the other
hand looks at someone in pain and says, “I am sorry…I know that does hurt.”
Even as I look back on my own life I am so aware of this truth. There have been many
times when I have gone through a tough situation wondering why. I would ask myself,
where is God when I need Him the most?! Or, what have I done to deserve this?! And
to these questions I have yet to receive an answer. And yet some years down the line
when I find someone who is going through a similar situation I find that I am more
effectively able to help and encourage them in light of that which I have personally had
to suffer. Paul, in the reading yesterday, was in a perfect position to encourage young
Timothy simply because he understood what Timothy was going through. I know
personally the reality and the power that comes from the encouragement when
ministered to by someone who has been through what I am going through. Whether it
be a tragedy in the family, or a setback in business, or a challenge at the workplace; to
be comforted by some one who I know has been through the same thing is what brings
credibility to that person.
Jesus has to be, for us, the ultimate example in this regard. There is a verse that says,
“Because he himself suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are
being tempted.” (Hebrews 2 v 18). How amazing to think that God does not just
sympathise with us in our human predicament of suffering, but that He Himself
suffered the same way that we do so that He is able to bring to us a comfort that is
more legitimate than just words. Once again I hope that if you are going through
something like this that these thoughts will be comforting to you.
Prayer Thought: Take some time before you pray to contemplate the magnitude of
the thoughts we have just considered. To think that God became a man is one thing,
but to think that God became a man and suffered like all men, that is another! When
you pray today, won’t you contemplate the fact that there is no dilemma or challenge
that you personally face, that Jesus Himself did not face as well.
2 Corinthians 12 v 7 – 10
The third reason that I would like to contemplate today as to why we suffer is that we
suffer to bring pride under control.
Paul in today’s passage has just been the recipient of a divine revelation of heaven
(ch. 12 v 1 – 6). This experience, humanly speaking, would have put him amongst the
most spiritual people who had ever lived. To have been taken in the Spirit to where
God took him, would surely give to him a spiritual pride beyond measure. To think that
God would have selected him from all of the saints to experience this pleasure would,