1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian The Colours of Grace - Week 2 | Page 4

TUESDAY 1 Timothy 1 v 12 – 19 The next aspect that I would like to consider of the broadness of God’s grace is to say to you that God’s grace embraces suffering. In today’s “feel-good gospel” we often focus on the “nice things” that God’s grace embraces, but I would remind you that this is only one side of the “grace coin”. This coin has another side and I would be amiss if I were not to inform you that suffering and pain are on the other side of the same coin. You will know that suffering is very much a relative term. I know, because I “suffer” with a sore back. My suffering to me was bad until I met a man with a broken back sitting in a wheelchair, and I realised that in comparison to him, my suffering was so small. I sometimes think I suffer if I miss a meal or two, but this suffering pales into insignificance when I meet a man who hasn’t eaten for a week. Again, my suffering in relation to his, is nothing. Back in the first century church there was a young man named Timothy who was suffering extensively for Christ. He was the pastor of the church in Ephesus. Paul had planted this church and, over the course of three years, had established it and left Timothy in charge. He left this young man to look after a church that was full of problems internally and suffering huge persecution externally. Some eight years after Paul had left Ephesus and then found himself in a prison, Timothy received a letter from him. The words of this letter are the reading that you read today. These words proved to have an enormous e ffect upon Timothy and I’m sure would have been an incredible encouragement to him in light of the situation that he found himself in. Although the book of 1 Timothy is a book of much practical instruction, it is all done under the covering of the grace of God. Paul, in chapter 1, contextualises this grace in the context of his own life and he thanks God for the grace that has given him strength to be faithful to the service of God (v12); he thanks God for the grace that overwhelmed his sinfulness (v13); and he thanks God for the grace that has not just saved him, but has strengthened him for life and has grown his faith as well (v14). Verse 17 of this passage is a wonderful outburst from Paul where he, after speaking of the glory of grace, could not help himself when he exclaimed the wonder of God’s character. He speaks of God as the King; eternal, immortal and invisible and to whom belongs Glory forever and ever. As I read this, I cannot help but be amazed that the man Paul, who himself was suffering enormously, could see this life so beautifully, despite his suffering. I guess it true to say that suffering looks so different when looked at through the lens of grace. Prayer Thought: Maybe today in your own life things are not going so well. Could it be that you are facing financial challenges, relational issues, or whatever it may be… won’t you take a few moments to ask God to reveal to you in the quietness of your