1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Spiritual Gifts | Page 3
of vital importance to the health and the welfare to the body of Christ. My prayer for you is
that as you read about these individual gifts, that God would bring certain gifts to light in
the context of your own life. Please remember that every Christian has been given at least
one gift and this gift is not given for you, but it is give for the welfare and the blessing of the
church. I hope that you find your gift and that more than that; you will exercise them to
the full.
Please also note that what I have to say about these individual gifts is minimal and I am just
hoping to whet your appetite for so much more brilliant teaching that is available on the
At the end of this series of the gifts of the spirit, we will be running a NETWORK course for
those who would like to explore further into these amazing subjects. Please be in touch
with the church office with regard to enrolling on this course. I know that it will be a real
blessing to you and I hope that many of you will take advantage of it.
Many blessings
Trevor & Helene
THE divine enablement to start and oversee the development of new churches and
The apostle Paul has to be our greatest point of reference. He was a man who was
impassioned by the spreading of the gospel and the development of churches into the area
of Asia Minor during the first century. Paul in his time of ministry planted 7 churches that
we know of. He was not satisfied with sitting in one place but was continually on the move.
His passion to see people come to be followers of Christ was something that totally
consumed him. He was constantly looking for new opportunities to start churches and
even though this came at a great personal cost to himself, he counted it as nothing for the
purpose of serving God in this way. His burden for the souls of men kept him awake at night
and enabled him to endure incredible persecution for the cause of the gospel. Paul’s desire
to see churches planted and leadership within these churches to be developed was
something that he lived totally for. There are today in the church, many such people who
share the same common desire as Paul and are driven men and women who cannot stand
for the status quo of comfort and consolidation. They are continually stretching the
boundaries into areas where they believe that Christ needs to be represented.