1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian SELF CONTROL | Page 6
the Lord your circumstances and then live today emulating the life of Joseph and let’s get
out there and show some self-control.
1 Corinthians 9 v 24 – 27
Today I would like to continue along the theme that we began yesterday, by
talkingabout the blessing that is associated with self-control. The passage above gives to
us the formula for victory in our Christian lives. I believe it would not be an exaggeration
for me to say that, for many people, their Christian life has been a disappointing one,
where defeat is more common than victory. It should not be like this. Paul uses the
analogy of a runner and he talks about the key to victorious running being found in one
word that not many of us like; and that is the word DISCIPLINE. Disciplined runners
are ones who are not afraid to make sacrifices along the way; all for the good of the race.
Discipline is just another word for self-control where, as we journey through the race
that is life, there are some things that we know are good for the race and some things
that we know will hold us back. Hebrews 12 v 1 says this: “Let us lay aside every weight and
sin that so easily besets us and let us run with endurance the race.” The referral to sin
here is easy to understand, because sin, we all know, will most certainly slow us down,
but the challenge for us is the “every weight” portion. “Every weight”, I would suggest,
may include even some of the good things that you put into your life. Could it be that
too much of your sport, or hobby, or anything that is being done in excess, as good as it
may be, may fall into thecategory of “every weight” and this too, will hinder us in
finishing our race. Not everything that is good is necessarily “good”, and we need the
wisdom to know the difference.
Paul also continues on this theme in the book of 2 Timothy where he, in reference to his
own life, talks about having run well the race that had been set before him.
I think Paul’s analogy of our Christian life being like a race, is a most profound one, and
I am sure that there are many athletes out there who would understand, in a physical
sense, what Paul is saying in a spiritual one. Too many of us are carrying too much
baggage to be in a position to run this race well. Many of us are exhausted at the
relational baggage and emotional baggage that we carry through life, much of it, Paul
would tell us, is unnecessary. It was Jesus who said, “Come unto me all you who are weary
and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11 v 28) Jesus is offering to take your
baggage from you. I would suggest we take Him up on that offer and leave with Him all
our baggage and frustrations of the past, and let us run a whole lot better this race that
is set before us.