1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian SELF CONTROL | Page 11
that God has already empowered you to win, and that once again victory is only one
courageous step away.
Galatians 5 v 23 – “Gentleness and self-control against such things there is no
Philippians 2 v 13 – “For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to
his good purpose.”
Today as we close this subject on self-control, I would like to leave you with two
Thought 1: THE MORE YOU USE IT, THE LESS YOU NEED IT. One of the huge
benefits of a self-controlled life is that self-control creates order and sustains balance in
your life. Over the course of time as you implement self-control on a consistent basis,
you will find that your life will become far more ordered and that the need for selfcontrol will, in the context of conflict and disorder, become less and less. Just think for a
moment of a congested traffic scene, where hooters are blaring, tempers are flaring and
emotions are running high. When a traffic officer takes control ?????????????????)??????????????????????????????????????????????????e???????????????????????)???????????????????Q?????????????????????????????????????????????????????)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)??????????????????????????????????????????????)%?????????????A?????????????q???????????t??Q??????????????????????)????q????????t????????????q???????????????????????????????t? ??????????)???A?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)?????????M?????????????????Q???????????????????????????????????????????????)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????)
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