1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian PEACE | Page 7
make it far less than it really is. There is a place called Heaven and there is a place called
hell and Jesus spoke clearly about them both.
Secondly, for some people, peace would be defined as simply, the absence of conflict.
There may be some truth in this, as it relates to peace, but I find it interesting to notice
that the peace of God is given in the midst of conflict. So many Scriptures, as per the
second reading above, illustrate this particular point. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
found themselves in a fire and yet, they experienced the peace of God, despite the heat of
their circumstance. I’m sure we all know the story of Daniel, who was thrown into the
lion’s den; he too, at a time of incredible strife, experienced the wonder of the peace of
God. Could it be that in your life you are going through turbulent times? I hope and pray
that you will find, despite your circumstances, the reality of the peace of God.
Prayer Thought: Won’t you take time today to reflect on the two issues that we have spoken
about and make sure that, according to the issue of the neutral position, you have made the
appropriate choice and then secondly, take some time to invite God into the circumstances of
your life and enjoy His presence with you despite the reality of stormy circumstances.
Luke 2 v 8 – 14
The reading today will be a familiar one to you and is often associated with the Christmas
story. The angels appeared to the shepherds declaring (verse 14) that God was bringing
peace to those who pleased Him.
Firstly, I find it amazing that we can please a Holy God and that, despite our sinful nature
and proneness to wander, God doesn’t just forgive us, but because of His grace, we are
able to please Him as well. Verse 14 tells us that, it is those who please God that receive
His peace. We therefore have to ask the question, what is it that pleases God? I am sure
that there are many things that we could name today that would please God, but I believe
that they could all be encapsulated in one word: RIGHTEOUSNESS. As I read the
Scriptures I notice God demonstrating His approval to those who made righteous choices.
I think of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who were given the choice to either worship
the idol or worship Jehovah. We read how they made a righteous choice and God showed
His approval of their choice by walking with them in the fire. We remember Daniel, who
also made a righteous choice which got him thrown into a lion’s den. Again we see God’s
approval of Daniel’s righteous choice when he experienced the supernatural presence of
God, despite the presence of the lions. All through Scripture we see this principle in action.
It is righteousness, we read, that exalts a nation (Proverbs 14 v 34). It is righteousness that