1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian PATIENCE | Page 5
came a time in the story when, what God had done in the darkness of Joseph’s life, became
revealed in the light of God’s provision and abundant blessing upon him.
Could it be in your own life that you are in a place of darkness? Well, be encouraged that it
could be that darkness where God is developing in you a greater character and be reassured
that when God has done His work in the dark He will reveal what He has done in the light of
newness of life.
Prayer Thought: Spend some time today just contemplating the truth of that which we have
just spoken. Maybe if you are not in a place of darkness won’t you pray for someone who you
know is and then later on today, make contact with that personand speak some words of
encouragement into his or her life. Be assured too that, if you are not in a place of darkness
right now, there may be a time around the corner when you will be, so take careful note of the
principles of which we are about to speak. Spend some time today thanking God for His plan
for your life. He is so keen for that plan to be fulfilled, that He is willing to spend time on you
working in you so that He can do His work through you and remember that sometimes this
work may take place in “the dark”.
Judges 16 v 1 – 30
Jonah 1 – 2
Before we move any further in our contemplation of the truth that GOD DOES HIS BEST
WORK IN THE DARK, might I remind you that there is another form of darkness that is not of
God’s making, it is of ours. The darkness of God’s desire must never be confused with the
darkness of our own disobedience.
It goes without saying that the Bible teaches and very adequately illustrates the fact that
disobedience to God brings with it a personal darkness. In the two readings above we see this
fact to be true. Samson, a man so full of potential to fulfil the purpose for which God had
called him, continually disobeyed God and abused the power that he had been given. He knew
in his heart, full well, that he was not doing right and that he was disobeying the calling of
God. His disobedience led him to a very dark place. We are told that the Philistines took out
his eyes, chained him to a log and made him grind their corn. Jonahtoo, found himself in a
dark place as a result of his disobedience to God’s call. The three days he spent in the belly of
the fish would certainly have given him time to contemplate and experience the darkness of
There is only one appropriate response when you find yourself in that position and that is a
response of repentance. God is gracious and will restore His relationship with you, but sadly