1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Justice - A People For Others | Page 13
“My own hunch is that God has provided us with a rich storehouse of diverse images of
the afterlife, all of them hints in the direction of something that is beyond our present
comprehension, so that we can be free to draw on one or another of them as a
particular situation in our life may require.”
In what situations might we draw on the description of heaven in Isaiah 60?
What other descriptions of eternity have you drawn on in the past and why?
Prayer: Thank God for the amazing vision we have of the New Jerusalem. Pray that this
vision would drive you and your community to action. Ask God to give you insight into his
specific kingdom plans and purposes for your city and community. Ask to fit into his plan.
Pray that you would be able to put into practice all you have learned in these eight weeks,
and that you would continually seek to transform your heart, community, and the world.
Pray for each other in light of your answers to question 5 above.
See You In Church!!