1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian JOY | Page 11
is joyful over what He sees. A God who takes time out to sing Himself the praises of those who
live the way we have described this whole week. Even with a great stretch of my imagination, I
struggle to see God singing the praises of frail human beings and yet the passage clearly says
that He does. Allow your imagination to be stretched for a moment and visualise with me a
God who watches you and, every time you bear the Fruit of Joy, evidencing itself through your
contentment in the circumference of your life and being confident in the controller of your
life, God cries out to the angelic beings, “Watch him go! Look, there is no fear in him. His limp
hands have become strong and engaged in the work of the Kingdom. Watch him under
pressure, angels! He is quietened by my love for him. See how he has learnt to forgive and let
go of the pain of the past. For him sorrow has gone! Watch how well he works with his hands
using well the gifts I have given him, with a deep sense of contentment within the existing
circumference of his life. Angels, let us stand and applaud, for to see such a person as this
brings to me incredible joy!”
Every life needs a motivation for which to live. This passages says to me that one of the
greatest motivations that we could possibly have is that our lives would bring joy to God. Just
as a child revels in bringing joy to his parents, so we too could take on a child-like attitude and
do everything we can to the honour and glory of God, recognising that to bring joy to Him
should be of the highest value to us.
Prayer Thought: What a way to end the week! Contemplating the fact that God is so
interested in us as individuals and pays such close attention to our lives that He would even see
the things that we do. How amazing that we have a God of such incredible detail! Won’t you,
as you pray, thank Him for the incredible privilege we have in being in a relationship with Him.
Won’t you dedicate yourself afresh to doing everything you can with all the right motives and
intentions to bring joy to our Heavenly Father. This week let’s put a smile on God’s face. ?
See you in church!