1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Idolatry - The Sin Beneath The Sin | Page 4

3. The FELLOWSHIP of the SPIRIT—those who are a model of his future Thirdly, a Christian Spirit-filled community is an alternative society that models distinctive ways to do everything in life. One of the controlling biblical metaphors for this is the church as a “city on a hill” (Matthew 5 v 14), whose visible behaviour shines out and shows the world the glory of God. In the future, God is going to unite and heal all things under the lordship of Christ (Ephesians 1 v 9– 10; Isaiah 11 v 1– 9) In Ephesians 1 v 13–14, Paul writes that the Spirit is a “deposit guaranteeing” that future restoration. Currently, the church is to model what that future society under Christ will look like. We are to model the transformation that the gospel makes to every area of life. T uesday Romans 12 v 1 – 12 James 5 v 9 Over the next six days we will be considering the topic of: A Biblical Survey of Community-Building Practices. Paul says that in Christ’s body, “each member belongs to all the others” (Romans 12 v 5). This goes deeper than the modern concept of being a “member” of a club, because the Greek word he uses, melos, was the common word for a part of the human body. Paul is saying, “You are the limbs and organs of one another. You are the eyes, arms, and heart of one another.” We are profoundly interdependent. The implications of this principle are spelled out practically in dozens of “one another” passages in the New Testament epistles. The following are nine “community-building practices” — specific behavio ??????????? ????????????????)Q??????????????????????????????????????????????????Q???????????????????)A???????Q????????=????????e?M???????????????????????+???I????????????L??q!???????????????t+???)???????L??q???e????????????????????????t+???I?????????L???L? ???????????????????????????)Q????????????????????????????????????????????????????I?????????????q!?????)???????????????????????t??Q???????????????????????????????????????????????)??????????????????????????????????????????((