1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Idolatry - The Sin Beneath The Sin | Page 13

1. Which of these categories of community-building about serving one another are you currently the best at? Why? Which of these three categories are youcurrently the worst at? Why? What can you do to get better? 2. In his book,Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places,Eugene Peterson writes, ‘We are a community. We are not ourselves by ourselves. We are born intocommunities, we live in communities, we die in communities. Human beingsare not solitary, selfsufficient creatures.’ Do you agree? Do you have a tendency to behave like you are self-sufficientor think of yourself as self-sufficient? When and why? How can you get better at serving one another’s interests? 3. In Life Together Dietrich Bonhoeffer writes, ‘“Confess your faults one to another” (James 5 v 16)… A man who confesses hissins in the presence of a brother knows that he is no longer alone with himself;he experiences the presence of God in the reality of the other person.’ Do you agree? What keeps you from confessing your faults to others? Howcan you get better at doing this? 4. In light of your answers to all the questions above, write down two orthree practical things you could do this week to improve your communitybuildingpractices. Pray about each of these nine community-building practices, asking God to give you the desire to affirm others, share, and serve in your community. See You In Church !