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• James 5 v 16 is the only place where we are told to confess our sins to others. Some have concluded, because of the context, that this is only for people who are seeking healing from physical illness. Hebrews 3 v 13, however, tells us to “encourage one another daily,” lest we be “hardened by sin’s deceitfulness” (i.e., hiddenness). Such a practice certainly entails having a fairly intimate knowledge of one another’s flaws. • Romans 15 v 14 uses a word, noutheo, which means “to admonish,” to lovingly confront someone. Practice 8— Serving One Another Through Forgiveness and Reconciliation • Ephesians 4 v 2 – “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love” • Colossians 3 v 13 – “Forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another” • Galatians 5 v 26 – Don’t provoke or envy one another • James 4 v 11 – “Do not slander one another” • Matthew 5 v 23– 24; 18 v 15 – Re-establish broken relationships with one another. Christians in community are never to give up on one another. We must never tire of forgiving (and/or repenting) and seeking to repair our relationships. Matthew 5 v 23–24 tells us we should go to someone if we know the person has something against us. Matthew 18 v 15 says we should approach others if we know that we have something against them. In short, it is always your move to repair relationships in the community. God always holds you responsible to reach out to repair a broken relationship. A Christian is responsible to begin the process of reconciliation, regardless of how the distance or the alienation began. Notes on the texts: • Ephesians 4 v 2 is a general directive, telling us to “bear with” one another. This means being patient and forbearing over small irritations. • Galatians 5 v 26 uses two words that have the opposite meaning. To “provoke” means basically to despise someone, to look down and disdain someone because the person has less …………………………. (intelligence, appropriate views, proper behaviour, looks, status) than you. To “envy” means to feel inferior to, to resent because someone has more …………………………………… (intelligence, education, looks, status, power) than you. Both kinds of attitudes breed conflicts and unreconciled relationships. • James 4 v 11 forbids the kind of condemning, judgmental, harsh language and attitudes that break ??????????((0