1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Heart - Three Ways to Live | Page 11

Friday Galatians 5 v 16 – 17 1 John 4 v 9 – 10 John 14 v 6 There are three approaches to displacing your idols and your personal change. The “moralizing” approach Basic analysis: Your problem is that you are doing wrong. Repent! This approach focuses on behaviour, but doesn’t go deeply enough. We must find out the why of our behaviour. Why do I find I want to do the wrong things? What inordinate desires are drawing me to do so? What are the idols and false beliefs behind them? Telling someone (or yourself) to “Repent and change your behaviour” is insufficient, because you still hold a belief that says, “Even if you live up to moral standards, but don’t have this particular thing that you treasure, you are still a failure.” You must replace this belief by repenting for the sin beneath it all—your particular idolatry. “psychologizing” The “psychologizing” approach Basic analysis: Your problem is that you don’t see that God loves you as you are. Rejoice! This approach focuses on feelings, which seem to be “deeper” than behaviours, but it also fails to go deeply enough. We must also find out the why of our feelings. Why do I have such strong feelings of despair (or fear, or anger) when this or that happens? What are the inordinate desires that are being frustrated? What are the idols and false beliefs behind them? Telling someone (or yourself) that “God loves you, so rejoice!” is insufficient, because you still hold a belief that says, “Even if God loves you, but you don’t have this particular thing that you treasure, you are still a failure.”