1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian FAITHFULNESS | Page 2
I hope that your week is going well.
I am really excited about our church!It has been wonderful to experience the
blessing of God in so many areas of our church and Genesis ministries. We rejoice
this week with Sharon and her team at the Care Centre with the opening of the
Training Centre which will train care givers in palliative care. It has been great
too to see our new Youth Centre almost at completion and we are so grateful to all
our funders who have made this possible. We are looking forward to the official
opening of the gym on the 23rd June, it will be a great occasion as we celebrate
together God’s blessing on our community.
Last week our series of devotions focused on the sixth aspect of the Fruit of the
Spirit, i.e. Goodness. I particularly enjoyed this emphasis; it encourages me to
know that “good” is better than “great” (if you know what “good” means).
Today we move onto the aspect of FAITHFULNESS. Our key passage is Matthew 25
v 14 – 23. It is the well-known story of the king going away after having given
talents to three of his servants. Upon his return, he finds that two of his servants
had stewarded well what he had given to them and when the accounts were told,
he spoke of his servants as being “good and faithful”. I find it interesting to note
that there is most definitely a link between goodness and faithfulness, so for this
week, it is in light of our subject last week that we will contemplate this aspect of
I hope that you find this concept as challenging to you as it has been to me.
God Bless
Trevor and Helene