1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian FAITHFULNESS | Page 11
There are a number of spiritual disciplines that I would like to refer to:
Spiritual discipline #1 – REPENTANCE: There is no substitute for a clean relationship with
God. When we confess our sin to Him on a daily basis it always brings with it a great sense of
refreshment and spiritual renewal. When we keep short accounts with each other thatalso
leads to a positive growth pattern. Scripture is clear on the fact that, when we confess our sins
He [God] is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
(1 John 1 v 9). He speaks also of confessing our sins to one another that strength can come to
us when we encourage and inspire one another to higher levels of Christian living. There is
no substitute for a clear conscience.
Spiritual discipline #2 – YOUR DEVOTIONAL LIFE:To take time aside on a regular basis is
part of what spiritual discipline is about. To read God’s word, to pray and to spend time in
contemplation and meditation are all things that the Bible teaches are pre-requisites for
spiritual growth. The fact that you are reading this devotional material is excellent and our
prayer for you, as you do so, is that you will find these words encouraging and informative so
that you can use the information that you have gathered to live out a more disciplined
Christian life. I would encourage you to take time everyday to read God’s word and make it a
part of your daily routine and, you will notice, that as days turn into weeks and weeks turn
into months and months turn into years, that your desire for God will grow and, at the
practical living of every Christian’s life, will be effected by those few moments of the day
where God’s word is given the rightful place in your life.
Spiritual discipline #3 – THE TITHE: there are many different versions and teachings on this
subject, but I personally hold to the simple truth of the “ten percent” principle. When we give
to God what already belongs to Him, we honour Him. Do not for a moment think that God
needs your money – He doesn’t! He is God! But what He is saying is that you need to give your
money as a declaration of your faith in Him and your heartfelt intention that you will trust
Him for your daily bread. I know that there are many in our congregation who can testify to
the power of this discipline in their own personal lives; I am one of them and I know for sure,
from my own personal experience, that when we honour God in this way, God, in a way that
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