1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Community- The Context For Change | Page 4

Monday John 17 v 20 – 23 As a community, we not only speak the gospel, we live it through hospitality and deeds of love and kindness. We need to create a great community because that is, according to Jesus in John 17 v 20 – 23, a crucial way to show the world that we are truly followers of Christ. In fact, we saw that we will not know God, change deeply, or win the world apart from community. The very nature of authentic community is found in the “one anothers.” Love one another, serve one another, encourage one another; this cannot happen apart from doing life with people. You need community. Find one and start investing your life. Tuesday Mark 6 v 7 – 11 Romans 12 v 13 1 Peter 4 v 9 Hebrews 13 v 2 In the Old Testament, hospitality is part of normal and common practice. For example, in Genesis 18 Abraham is quick and ready to offer hospitality to the strangers who arrive near his home. When Jesus sends out the twelve disciples, he expects that they will be shown hospitality (Mark 6 v 8 – 11). We are also called to “Practice hospitality” (Romans 12 v 13) and to “Offer hospitality to one another” (1 Peter 4 v 9). This verse also tells us to do hospitality “without grumbling.” Genesis 18 v 5 tells us the goal of the one giving hospitality is to refresh and encourage others. Hospitality done well is generous, uncomplaining, loving, and refreshing. It does not make guests feel like “guests” but like members of a family. Hospitality provides a feeling of security, warmth, safety, and love.