1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian Cleansing Coal week 1 | Page 8
the tube and cannot be put back in, but thoughtful words are words that build people up,
encourage them, sometimes even admonish them, but are always words that lead toa
positive end as a result of having a positive intention. Thoughtful words are words that
people need to hear and are generally spoken by people of discernment and experience in
We need to take careful thought of the vows and promises that we make to one another.
When I think of some of the vows that are spoken at a wedding ceremony, where people
promise that through better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death
do them part, that they will do these things. I wonder when I see young people stand before
God and their families and friends if they really know what they are saying. I do not want to
appear a cynic, but having done as many weddings as I have and seen the failure of people
to fulfil their wedding vows, I realise how lightly and how thoughtlessly we make these
In Joshua 8 we see a beautiful principle; the chapter is a dramatic story of Joshua being
conned by the Gibeonites. He thoughtlessly makes a covenant with them to protect them
from their enemies and only after realises that they have fooled him. The Gibeonites, soon
after this, were attacked by an overwhelming army and Joshua was called to their aid. Many
of his leaders said, “Joshua we do not need to go! We were conned and we do not have to
honour this promise!” But Joshua did not relent and took his army, against their better
judgement, to war against the enemies of the Gibeonites. We see a beautiful picture here of
God redeeming a thoughtless promise. Joshua’s credibility in the eyes of God rose to an alltime high when he chose a great potential sacrifice to honour a promise that he in fact
should not have made. Joshua, to us, sets a high standard in the area of honouring one’s
verbal commitments.
As you live your life, I’m sure that there are many who can identify with me inthe challenge
of thoughtless words. So many times I have looked back and thought to myself,“Why did I
say that?!” or “Why did I make that commitment, if only I had been more thoughtful!”
Wouldn’t it be great, however, if we would not just honour the promises that we should
make, but at the same time, like Joshua, honour the words and commitments that we may
have made in haste and somewhat thoughtlessly. Herein lies the issue of integrity that is so
often missing in our communities and churches today.
Prayer Thought: Can I suggest to you today that this is one area that you do not have to ask
God’s help for, because He won’t help you to fulfil the promises that you have made, whether
rightly or wrongly. He just expects you to honour them! Remember, blessing always follows
obedience and if you choose to honour your promises, in the end God’s blessing will be the