1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian City - The World That Is | Page 14
Gospel repentance involves burning love (vs. indifference)
Have you spoken or thought unkindly of anyone? Have you been impatient or
irritable? Have you been self-absorbed, indifferent, or inattentive to people?
Repent by considering the free grace of Jesus until there is (a) no coldness or
unkindness, as you think of the sacrificial love of Christ for you, (b) no
impatience, as you think of his patience with you, and (c) no indifference, as
you think of how God is infinitely attentive to you. Reflect on God’s grace until
you show warmth and affection.
Gospel repentance involves a “single eye” (i.e., godly motives)
Are you doing what you do for God’s glory and the good of others, or are you
being driven by your need for approval, love of comfort, need for control,
hunger for acclaim and power, or the fear of other people? Repent by
considering how the free grace of Jesus provides you with what you are
looking for in these other things. Reflect on God’s grace until he becomes your
joy and delight.