1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian An introduction | Page 2

Hi everybody I hope that your Easter weekend was a great one and, that as you reflected upon the passion of the Christ and all that goes with this most amazing story, that your life would have been impacted afresh. For the next eleven weeks we will be back focusing on the work of the Holy Spirit and at this particular time we will specifically be looking at the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT. On Sunday I introduced the theme to you by challenging one of the clichés that we so often hear in our churches today and that is, “All that God requires of me is faithfulness”. I am sure that there is an immense amount of truth in that statement, but I would like to remind you over the course of this next week that faithfulness, as good as it is, is probably just not good enough. As I read the Bible I see God’s demand for FRUITFULNESS as well. I realise that there will be a direct link between the two of these, but I trust that as we focus specifically upon the fruit in our lives that is indicative of a close walk with Christ, that you will be inspired to journey with me into finding the truth of what this means. We will be focusing on two primary portions of Scripture:John15 v 1 – 8 and Galatians 5 v 22 – 25. I hope that this week’s devotionals will speak to you as much as they have to me. God Bless Trevor and Helene