1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian 7 - Blessed are the pure in heart | Page 4

whatever He wills. He is perfect in purity as it relates to His Holiness, Righteousness and Justice. He is perfect in His purity as it relates to His relationship with man. #2: Created Purity – this is the purity which relates to the perfection of the Garden of Eden prior to the fall of man. When God said in Genesis 1, that “It is good…” He was applauding the purity and the perfection of that which He had made. #3: Positional Purity – this is the purity that comes to us as a result of our relationship with Christ. This is the purity depicted for us in the parable that Jesus told, in Matthew 22, as it related to the man who came to the king’s party wearing the wrong robe. The idea here, that Jesus was trying to portray, was that of a robe of righteousness that covers our sinful robe and gives us a position of purity to be able to enter the presence of the King. It is this purity that makes us Christians, as it is this purity that deals a death blow to our sin and sinful nature and ultimately presents us befo ɔ