1 - Introduction - Living like a real Christian 3 - Blessed are those who mourn | Page 11

firm against persecution the applause crescendos. I know this may sound somewhat far-fetched, but wouldn’t it be cool if it were true?! We all know that good character does not come easily. The writer of our reading today makes it clear that character comes as a result of a positive attitude towards suffering; it comes as a result of perseverance under pressure, but with this development of character comes the wonder of hope. He tells us in verse 5 that this hope will never disappoint us. He concludes this verse by giving credit for all of this to the Holy Spirit who is our Comforter. Won’t you take a moment to take a mental journey through some of the characters in the New Testament who came from nothing but by the time they had spent time with Jesus, and pursued the call upon their lives, they had developed a robust character. I personally, think of Peter, who began as an uncouth, rough fisherman, went through many ups and downs, suffered many failures, and yet at the end of the day became one of the most courageous leaders the church has ever known. I believe that over the course of his life, along with a great cloud of witnesses, the Holy Spirit would have been cheering him on. Prayer Thought: There are so many other examples just like Peter, take some time to contemplate a few and then thank God for the fact that He is able to develop a deeper character within you as a result of the comfort He gives to you as you go through the ups and downs of life. Sunday Reading: John 8 v 1 – 11 / John 5 v 1 – 11 The last point which I would like to make in our contemplation of the Holy Spirit’s role as our “Comforter” is this: #9: The Comforter always Concludes the issue with a Caution. We do, I believe, need to take seriously today’s devotion. I do not believe that we should in anyway lull ourselves into a situation where we take the Grace of God lightly. The price Jesus paid for our redemption and sanctification that encapsulates all of this week’s studies was enormous and we never, ever in any way want to be