1-1 Premeier Issue FINAL PROOF.pdf Holiday 2013 | Page 15
AL’s mission: to spread the joy of Christmas
in which he read The Night Before
to everyone, young and old alike,
Christmas accompanied by a local
all year long. He is a speorchestra. Santa AL and Mr. Tankercial individual who is able
sley enjoyed singing together and
to recognize the power of
reading The Night Before Christmas
make-believe and imagiout loud. Santa AL could feel the
nation. “If we can imagine
Spirit in Ben, and knew that he
good things, good things
would be a perfect Santa. After
can happen,” he says. What
meeting with Mr. Tankersley sevan important message to our
eral times, Santa AL swore him
in with the Santa Oath, and Mr.
For more information
Tankersley became Santa Ben!
about Santa AL, please visit
Santa Ben became part of the
his website at santaal.com.
brotherhood of Triangle Santa
His Book, Behind Santa’s Smile:
Buddies, and there were severTwenty Years as Santa AL, is
al Santa Buddies present at his
available at Circlr City Books
funeral on October 19, 2013
in Pittsboro, Paper Backs Plus in
to celebrate his last sleigh ride.
As we closed our interview, Santa S i l e r City, and on Amazon.com. You
AL gave me a copy of his book. Inside the can find out more about Triangle Santa Budfront cover he wrote “May Christmas Cheer dies at trianglesantabuddies.com. H
Be Yours All Year!” This really sums up Santa
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