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It ’ s speculated that as Lakota women would use this rock to sharpen their awls , the repetitive and rhythmic motions associated with the work could produce a trance state and accompanying visions . chasing off vandals and sharing my passion for Black Hills history and culture . When I started reaching out to people to interview for the story and doing research for places I might visit , I started to get cold feet about the story — at least in the way I initially thought I would write it . I was cautioned about unintentionally damaging the sites while visiting them or accidentally revealing locations to others who wouldn ’ t want to be as careful — those “ short-lived slimy individuals ” I was warned about . Of course , I ’ d never want to contribute to something like that .
I started to think of Poet ’ s Table , and the collective outrage at its illegal dismantling back in 2018 , and how publicity of special places can , in part , lead them to their destruction . When that happened , many lamented how people use the internet and social media to share locations of places that were at one point known to very few . Had Poet ' s Table avoided such online attention , many said it would still be there .
Poet ’ s Table isn ’ t special in this regard . Some people just don ’ t have much , if any , respect for the places they visit or the people who live there . I think of all those recent news stories — German tourists paintballing infrastructure and wildlife in Joshua Tree National Park , the two men who knocked over ancient rock formations at Lake Mead , or the historic tramway in Death Valley that was toppled when someone hitched their stuck vehicle to it .
Petroglyphs , of course , are not immune to vandalism . Back in 2022 , officials at Big Bend National Park noticed an uptick in vandalism at the park . One particularly egregious incident saw two couples scrawl their names and the date over a panel of ancient petroglyphs in the park . In the timeframe from that incident back to 2015 , the park noted over 50 acts of vandalism . In April of this year , Petroglyph National Monument in New Mexico made the decision to close a whole portion of a popular trail because of vandalism by visitors .
Locally , the Black Hills has had its problems with vandalism too . Poet ’ s Table might be the most prominent in the recent memory , but its been an issue across the Black Hills for quite some time . In recent years , the Black Hills National Forest has had to face bouts of vandals at popular historic areas like the Meeker Ranch near Custer or the ghost town of Spokane .
Black Hills petroglyphs , although less known , have also been plagued by graffiti . A 2002 analysis of rock art sites in the southern Black Hills found that about 20 % of sites had become the victim of target practice or accidental shooting by hunters over the years , further damaging them .
“ Off-highway vehicles are impacting cultural sites at an alarming rate . Vandalism and the unauthorized collection of surface artifacts are also occurring at an increasing rate as higher numbers of recreationalists seek outdoor activities . Sites closer to roads and trails seem to be at a greater risk , given their ease of accessibility , location , and exposure to visitors passing by ,” read a 2022 assessment of cultural resources in the Black Hills National Forest .
Following its destruction and removal , Poet ’ s Table was replaced with a newer relic of sorts , but of course , it ' s just not the same as the original . Unlike Poet ’ s Table , these rock art sites are completely and utterly irreplaceable . I never planned on disclosing exact locations of any sites , but I know some would prefer if they were never written of again . This story is meant to be a happy medium . The photos used in this story come from a petroglyph site I had known previously , but like Hasselstrom , I ’ m choosing not to ever go back , and I encourage you to do the same .
So , if you ’ d like to go out and see some fantastic “ rock art ," I encourage you to stick to Mount Rushmore or Crazy Horse . I will too . -