0920_September Comstock's Magazine September 2020 | Page 7

LEO GROVER | PRESIDENT Pinnacle Emergency Management, Inc. Pinnacle Emergency Management RESPONDING WITH COMPASSION & UNDERSTANDING FOR 15 YEARS — THANK YOU SACRAMENTO For more than 15 years, Pinnacle Emergency Management has responded to more than 4,000 property disasters, of all sizes. From a small water intrusion at the entrance of a building to catastrophic destruction of wildfires, each and every Pinnacle employee responds with true compassion and deep understanding of the issue at hand. Our clients’ priorities and concerns become ours — it is the core purpose of our existence and success. We strive to keep businesses open in the event of the unthinkable, including the current global pandemic and devastating wildfires. Our employees are trained in all types of restoration due to damage from fire, smoke, water, mold remediation, and virus decontamination. Having our planning and response program for business and property owners in place, prior to reacting, is truly invaluable. We speak the language of the insurance industry. When disaster strikes your business, Pinnacle’s protection and responsiveness will ensure an efficient plan to minimize the impact with a more promising recovery to get you back to business. Please scan the QR code to visit our new website. If you would like to speak directly to me, please call my cell at (916) 439-4507. All of us at Pinnacle Emergency Management send our sincere thanks to all of our loyal clients of 15 years. 916.371.7431 | www.GoPinnacleNow.com