0920_September Comstock's Magazine September 2020 | Page 55
Providing food to children is big
business, and Sacramento City Unified
School District aims to do it better
BY Jennifer Berry Junghans
PHOTOS BY Fred Greaves
eople love to hate school lunch. But the Nutrition
Services team at Sacramento City Unified School
District is out to change that. In November, the district
will complete construction of its 50,000-square-foot
Central Kitchen. Once the district is able to reopen
campuses (a timeline that remains unknown), the
kitchen will open with a staff of 30-40 full-time employees to cook
from scratch meals like lasagna, vegetable soup, street tacos, muffins
and loaves of bread that will replace the majority of frozen and
reheated processed entrees. Those meals will be delivered to 81
schools served by the district.
September 2020 | comstocksmag.com 55