0920_September Comstock's Magazine September 2020 | Page 35

“I was looking forward to the whole experience — the dorm rooms and meeting new people. I feel it’s already a financial burden, so when the school said it was going to be primarily online, it just didn’t seem worth it to me.” LIAM GRAF WHITNEY HIGH SCHOOL 2020 GRADUATE mately 20 percent from the same period last year; fall enrollment was heavy as well, with a big spike during the first few weeks that leveled off with about a month remaining. The Los Rios Community College District, which includes American River College, Cosumnes River College, Folsom Lake College and Sacramento City College, also experienced a substantial increase in demand for summer and expects fall to be slightly higher, according to Brian King, the district’s chancellor (and a member of Comstock’s Editorial Advisory Board). Even before the move to remote learning, both Sierra College and Los Rios had at least 20 percent of their courses online, which King believes gives community colleges an advantage. “We already had a substantial number of courses being taught online before the pandemic,” he says, “so that made the shift somewhat easier.” Four-year colleges and universities are considering a variety of academic options — from fully online to fully in person and everything in between — which continue to shift as public health information about the coronavirus pan- September 2020 | comstocksmag.com 35