0920_September Comstock's Magazine September 2020 | Page 22
No Horsing Around
A growing equine community has helped boost business
for a Granite Bay feed and pet-supply store
BY Tom Couzens
Douglas Feed & Pet Supply
Owner: Craig and DeeDee Lyman
Where: 5460 Douglas Blvd., Granite
Bay, Placer County, (916) 791-3202
Purchased: 2007 (founded in 1980 as
Douglas Ranch Supply)
Business: Pet and farm-animal feed
and supply store
DeeDee and Craig Lyman have owned
Douglas Feed & Pet Supply in Granite
Bay since 2007. Craig credits a growing
equestrian community as a big reason for
their success.
Why a feed and supply store?
In 2007, Craig and DeeDee Lyman
decided to leave their financial- and
lending-industry positions after more
than 25 years, sell their home in Portland,
Oregon, and move to California.
“We made the decision to find something
back in California that would suit our
family,” says Craig, the CEO of Douglas
Feed & Pet Supply. Craig grew up in Napa
and spent many summers on his grandfather’s
ranch raising chickens and other
farm animals. DeeDee, the company’s
vice president, owned horses into her
mid-20s and welcomed the opportunity
to own a feed store in a community of
equestrians and animal lovers. “(The
store) provided us what we were looking
for. It was a lifestyle fit, it was priced right
and it was an amazing location serving
a wonderful community,” Craig says. “At
the time, it seemed that if I could run a
lending center with 200 employees,
I could run a feed store with 12 employ-
22 comstocksmag.com | September 2020